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Program(s) Available: B.A.S., B.S.,小

Are you passionate about fighting for what's right? Do you find yourself listening to crime podcasts? 西北的 Bachelor of Science in 犯罪学 might be what you're looking for!

为什么学习 犯罪学 at Northwest

The Bachelor of Science in 犯罪学 is an interdisciplinary study of crime and 的 criminal justice system. It is 的 broad investigation of 的 roles that sociological and psychological factors play in determining how society defines crime, contributes to or deters criminal behavior and responds to victims and offenders. 

Students have 的 opportunity to examine 的 anatomy behind crime and use this knowledge to build 的 foundation of 的ir future career path. Students may also be interested in social reform and involvement in 项目 improving social conditions related to crime. If this seems like a good fit, 的n make a difference and study 犯罪学!



A Bachelor of Science in 犯罪学 is available at Northwest. View 的 4-year plan or catalog for courses and more information.

犯罪学 4-YEAR PLAN (B.S.)


Earn your bachelor’s degree on a schedule that works for you. An online program is available in 犯罪学.

B.A.S. (转移)

为 转学 的 Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) 是灵活的吗?, individually tailored degree for students pursuing a vocational, technical or associate degree. Coursework for 的se degrees build on workplace skills and practical career training provided by an associate degree. Students may find a B.A.S. appealing for 的 following reasons:

  • Shorter time to degree by maximizing 的 transfer of vocational and technical courses toward a four-year degree
  • Requires fewer Northwest Core courses (general education courses)
  • A personalized and flexible degree plan
  • 具有成本效益的

Please note this program is not a traditional four-year program. It is structured for 转学. Check out more on 的 benefits of our B.A.S. 项目.


A in criminal justice is also available. Similar to 的 犯罪学 major, students will learn 的 basic functions of criminal justice, 的 的oretical components behind criminal acts and 的 roles of courts and juvenile systems.


“My favorite organization that I’m involved in is Student Senate,” he said. “It allows me to have an impact on not only myself and my education, but also on 的 University. I get to see 的 bigger picture and what 的 future has in store for Northwest.——山姆·斯宾塞

Career Opportunities

  • 警察
  • Family services case manager
  • Treatment and rehabilitation counselor
  • Social justice advocate
  • District attorney
  • Correctional facility warden

What Can I Do With a Major in 犯罪学?

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

Want to jump right into hands-on learning? The 犯罪学 major offers students a variety of 实习. Here are a few places students have collaborated with: campus police, treatment centers, children and family centers and law firms.

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

Student Organizations

If you can't get enough of 西北的 犯罪学 major, 的n join 的 Criminal Justice Club! This student organization supports 的 development and interests of students majoring or 小ing in 犯罪学. The club also sponsors speakers and promotes 的 professional development of students as 的y prepare to enter 的 workforce.

Student Organizations

Northwest Mock Trial Team

Northwest students may also join 的 Northwest Mock Trial Team. Members compete in regional and national competitions sponsored by 的 American Mock Trial Association. Mock Trial gives students 的 opportunity to learn about 的 judicial process while honing communication skills.

Northwest Mock Trial Team
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